Africa is emerging as an opportunity space for innovative digital health solutions. Digitalization in health is being trialed and adopted by governments, innovators, donors and local organizations to provide essential health services that are affordable, reliable and tailored to local needs. Recently, the Belgian American ehealth company Andaman7 and African Sustainable Development Advisors (Afrisda, Inc.) signed a major partnership agreement to support digital health implementation in Africa.
So what?
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for global health solutions to benefit all nations. With Africa’s vast population bearing the world’s greatest disease incidence and significant healthcare shortages, the challenge and opportunity is to increase the use of digital health solutions to benefit local populations, as well as increase real world evidence and data related to diverse populations for global therapy developments. This is an opportunity to engage donors, investors, private sectors and to support African health authorities to design laws and policies that will strengthen Africa’s health system as a key element in innovation and technology adoption. What is the future of digital health in Africa? Where do you see opportunity for inclusive and equitable innovation?
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