USDA launched the new Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities opportunities in February this year. Providing capital to stakeholders such as farmers, ranchers and forest owners for pilot projects working on climate solutions, these pilots can last from one to five years working to increase the resilience of rural America. Focused on land solutions, monitoring and reporting GHGs and expanding market opportunities for a regenerative agriculture sector, some of these include can cover crops, nutrient management but also enchanced efficiency fertilizers or wetland management and reforestation. The effort builds to strengthen and highlight smaller actors within the system helping localized solutions grow to be scalable solutions.

The definition of the land here expands to include farming, ranching along with practices to promote planetary health along with human health. The solutions accepted within this program however remain under the bracket of greenhouse emissions lens rather than a holistic approach to biodiversity conservation, water and soil vulnerabilities in various regions. There are still several gaps within the current system in the US but supporting historically underrepresented and first mile stakeholders to address the rising risks of climate change is a positive step towards a diverse and equitable system.
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