A study, recently published in Nature Climate Change, demonstrates how targeted advertisements and messaging can shift Republican voters’ attitudes on climate change.

So what?
Partisanship is a major barrier to climate action in the United States. 83% of Democrats believe that climate change should be a high priority, whereas only 22% of Republicans believe it should be. This apathy amongst Republicans has remained strong in recent years. This new study shows that portraying the science of climate change, through trusted conservative messengers, and appealing to conservative ideals can shift Republicans’ skeptical attitudes on climate change.
Reaching Republicans on climate change https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-021-01071-0
Tailoring climate change messaging for conservatives could shift understanding of crisis: Study https://abcnews.go.com/US/tailoring-climate-change-messaging-conservatives-shift-understanding-crisis/story?id=78257394
- http://www.newclimatevoices.org/
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