In lieu of this Novembers’ postponed COP 26 in Glasgow, activists from around the world staged a virtual mock COP to call for greater climate action. On Thursday 1 December 2020, hundreds of activists from 150 countries will hold virtual discussions and hear statements, culminating in a final statement of demands. This is a clear signal from global youth that immediate and urgent climate action is important and won’t be left waiting for the pandemic to pass.

So what?
Youth activists organizing and demanding action in lieu of the postponed Conference of the Parties 26, shows both the urgency and power young people are feeling and capable of harnessing. The mock COP, which doesn’t only include young people, also demonstrates how effective, and carbon-saving, digital organizing and convening can be.
What effect might this mock COP have on next year’s formal COP 26? Will young people’s voices play a larger role in the conference, or might we see some attendees choosing to attend virtually?
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