A special edition of The Futuring Podcast sees Jonathon Porritt in conversation with Ivana Gazibara as part of Forum for the Future’s ongoing Future of Sustainability: Looking Back to Go Forward campaign, through which we’re exploring what the past can teach us about our future…
What have been the most significant shifts for the sustainability movement in the last 25 years? Where have we succeeded and failed? What lessons have we learned along the way? How can we transform ‘business as usual’? And what surprises might be lurking around the corner?
In this special edition of the Futuring Podcast, Ivana Gazibara, the former Director of the Futures Centre, talks to Jonathon Porritt, environmentalist, author, campaigner, and founder of international sustainability nonprofit Forum for the Future, to understand what has changed since Forum was founded 25 years ago, and what this means for the future.

Jonathon Porritt is a writer and broadcaster who has been on the front line of environmental campaigning for more than 45 years. He’s been a member of the Green Party throughout that time and has worked tirelessly to promote the solutions to today’s converging environmental crises. His work as an author and broadcaster has had a huge impact over the years.
Among other themes, this provocative interview explores how some of the key underlying tenets of the sustainability movement – including the belief that voluntary action by progressive corporations would save the world – may have done more harm than good. Jonathan also shares his unique take on what critical shifts in mindset and approach are needed moving forward.
Please note: All opinions expressed by interviewees are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Forum for the Future.
Tune in to the podcast to hear more
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The next in our Future of Sustainability: Looking Back to Go Forward series sees Jonathon in conversation with Johan Rockstrom. Johan is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University, and Professor in Water Systems and Global Sustainability at Stockholm University.
Join us as he shares his take on the last 25 years and what’s needed next…
About the Future of Sustainability: Looking Back to Go Forward
Produced by international sustainability non-profit, Forum for the Future, the Future of Sustainability: Looking Back to Go Forward is a unique opinion and commentary series set to explore lessons learned from the last 25 years in the sustainability movement and what they mean for the future.
Based on new and exclusive insights from diverse voices across the sustainability movement, we’ll examine where we have succeeded and where we have failed in creating real change. We’ll consider how the world is responding to today’s multifaceted challenges and opportunities, and what pivots might be needed if we’re to deliver at scale and pace. Lastly, we’ll look forward – exploring how we can reframe the goals of the system, reset our ambition, and encourage the adoption of new mindsets and approaches critical to creating what’s really needed: a truly just and regenerative future.
With thanks to our partners
Looking Back to Go Forward was made possible thanks to the generous support from our partners: Laudes Foundation, GSK, Target, M&S, Capgemini, Bupa, 3M, CTPA, Burberry, Olam Food Ingredients, and in particular our headline sponsor, SC Johnson
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